The REGLPORTS Information Day took place Friday 4th June in Molfetta and was organised by the Municipality of Molfetta. There the exploitation of the high tourism potential of the intervention area in 21 small and medium-sized ports (12 in Italy, 4 in Albania and 5 in Montenegro) while developing Nautical Tourism through the use of advanced digital systems of interconnection between coastal and inland areas was discussed.
In addition, the attendees had the opportunity to get introduced to the main achievements of the REGLPORTS Project, such as:
- The implementation of thematic routes on a trans-national basis; - Operational plans for the development of nautical tourism;
- The Information System for managing and planning trips to the ports of the REGLPORTS network; - The I Tourist guide;
- The e-learning platform;
- And the establishment of the REGLPORTS NETWORK.
Following, the welcome greetings of the Mayor of the Municipality of Molfetta Tomasso Minervini and the Counselor for Tourism Gabriela Azzolini, the results of the Project were presented, and testimonies were given by representatives of the Municipalities and bodies that have established the REGLPORTS Network. In particular, the Mayor of Bisceglie Angelantonio Angarano, the Mayor of Giovinazzo Tommaso de Palma, the Mayor of Palo del Colle Tomasso Amendolara and the Counselor for Tourism of Terlizzi Lucrezia Chiapparino presented their cities and their potential for tourism development, highlighting the importance of networking, strong cooperation and creative synergies.
This was followed by the testimonies of the other Network member organisations, the Molfetta Sea Turtle Rescue Centre, Circolo Nautico Ippocampo, Poseidon Blu Team, Gal Ponte Lama, INCO Association, Compagnia del Mare and Sailors Association. Overall, the Info Day event offered the Project Partners, the members of the REGLPORTS Network, attendees and a lot of bystanders to enjoy many informative, musical, nautical and culinary happenings. The musical number on a boat, the displaying and tasting of local products from every municipality and more traditional activities provided a sense of unity.